On-Line Information System
TOLFIN’s database contains a wide range of companies, as well as records of individuals, domiciled in Hongkong. Also, TOLFIN’s records may include information about individuals, domiciled in various countries of the world.
By ordering information from the TOLFIN On-Line Information System, Subscribers may gain immediate access to a unique, massive database. Allowing Subscribers to obtain quick and accurate information about any person and/or company, anywhere – at any time!
User-Friendly Interface
Simple structure allows for easy understanding.
Tree-like TOLFIN menus permit easily access to organisational data, displaying the number of records per item. Clicking on an item in a menu allows the user to view records that, otherwise, might not be readily available to Non-Subscribers.
Keeping Track with Tabs
The Tab-Result System stores viewed items across tabs, allowing easy review of previous searched targets during a session. Reviews may be stored in an unlimited number of tabs within a current log-in.
OneClick Search Far and Wide
This powerful, OneClick Search, provides a convenient way to search companies or individuals’ information across all countries available in TOLFIN’ s database.
By simply entering the relevant keywords in a search, all companies or persons’ names, related to the input, will be displayed comprehensively.