Published Books

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Product Details:
Hardcover: 353 pages
Publisher: Historic Publishing House Of Hongkong (2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 988178140X
ISBN-13: 978-9881781406
A Short History of The Stock Exchange of Hongkong and of its (important) People
by Raymonde Montague Sacklyn
With the cooperation of select international publishers, this latest book, penned by Raymonde Montague Sacklyn, ‘A Short History of The Stock Exchange of Hongkong and of its (important) People’, is but one of the many books that, from time to time, has been published with reference to The Hongkong Special Administrative Region, prior to the 416 square miles, being returned to the People’s Republic of China on July 1, 1997.
In many respects, this book might well be questioned, along the lines: ‘Have these events been accurately recorded?’ The veracity of that which has been written did take place even to the affected language, spoken by people, such as a former Chairman of The Hongkong Stock Exchange (as it used to be named), Mr Alex Potts.
The Journey
by Raymonde Montague Sacklyn
‘The Journey’ is the story of one man’s march through life, from a rude awakening as a child in the middle of the night when German bombs were destroying large swaths of Great Britain, to his numerous evacuations from London to the relative safety of the British countryside, being temporarily separated from his mother and father, to his mother, taking him to California to live in the home of his aunt and uncle and, there, to be exposed to what he perceived as a cultural shock, and, then, he embarks on a peripatetic journey from one country to another, from New Zealand, to various parts of Europe, to Japan, and, eventually, settling in Hongkong.
It was in the 416 square miles, formerly a British Crown Colony, that this young man found himself and his niche in the community into which he fell.
His many successes became the talk of many of the members of the community in which he circulated. For more than five decades he prospered. He became scorned by many, mostly out of jealousy rather than any act that he had perpetrated by his designs. To those who knew him well, however, the pervasiveness of his ambiance was contagious. It was said that he had the ability to charm the wings off a butterfly.

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Product Details:
Hardcover: 117 pages
Publisher: Kaylloyd (1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9627809012
ISBN-13: 978-9627809012
Some Little Thoughts
by Raymonde Montague Sacklyn
In the words of Mr Raymonde Sacklyn, the poet, author, businessman and the Founder of the TARGET Group of Companies of Hongkong, this is the essence of his poems:
Every word is essential to the construction of a specific, comprehensive thought. As with music, a poem must engender a melody … at least for me. That is the reason that I, very often, employ rhyme as a means to lace a thought with a unique melody. However, too much rhyme is akin to too much repetition of a motif in music. A Strauss waltz, for me, is just too much sweetness. I hope my poems provoke mental awareness as well as to assist the reader to appreciate life: Its sweetness; and, its too many, disappointments. But there is, always, that unity of opposites.

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Product Details:
Publisher: Target Distributors (1980)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9627041017
ISBN-13: 978-9627041017
Volume I and Volume II
by Raymonde Montague Sacklyn
These two books parody colonial life in the British Crown Colony of Hongkong, during the 1960s up to July 1, 1997. The many characters in these two books are taken from life and personify and exemplify the very good and, only too often, the very bad.
Looking back at the many incidences of those 37 years, one cannot help but chuckle at the antics at which some of the leaders of industry, within these 416 square miles, were engaged.
Couched within the thinking of the inimitable character of Charlie, a rhesus monkey, these two books look at many of the events of this time in the history of Hongkong, from a perspective that may appear ridiculous in today’s world.
But is today’s world, along with many of its leaders of industry, very different from the days of yore?