TOLFIN makes it easy to investiage
a Person
In many cases, all that one needs is to provide a party's name, either in full or partially.
Chan Tai Man
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
TOLFIN’s system will be able to provide information about a party such as:
- Involvement as either as a Plaintiff or Defendant in any Court Action(s), where-ever the litigation is/has been held
- As a Vendor or Purchaser of any major property transactions
- Is a known material investor in equities, listed on The Stock Exchange of Hongkong Ltd
- Is a Material Shareholder or Director of a company, publicly listed or being involved in another type of corporate entity
- Is part of Senior Management of a Hongkong-licensed bank
- Mentioned in a previous TARGET article
a Company
All one needs to provide is the company's name, either in full or partial.
ABC 公司
Company Co Ltd
Company Co Ltd
The TOLFIN system will then be able to provide information about the corporate entity such as:
- Its Principal Activies
- The Issued and Fully Paid-Up Share Capital (if any)
- Involvement as either a Plaintiff or Defendant in any Court Actions
- As a Vendor or Purchaser of any material property transaction
- Is a Material Investor of a company, the shares of which, being listed on The Stock Exchange of Hongkong Ltd
- Is a Major Shareholder or Director of a company
- Is part of Senior Management of a Hongkong-licensed bank
- Its Bankers, Registered Office, Auditors, Solicitors, Fiscal Year-End etc.
- Mentioned in a previous TARGET article
We offer access to various documents, regarding as Subscriber’s target, ensuring transparency and convenience.
True Copies of
Legal Documents

Misconduct and
Disciplinary Actions
- True Copies of Legal Documents
- Litigation Searches
- Business Dealings
- Management Compositions
- Property Transactions
- Misconduct and Disciplinary Actions
TOLFIN allows Subscribers to gather intelligence in order to make logical determinations, leading to decision-making and/or risk assessment.
In Our Database
on public companies,
private companies, and firms.
on individuals.
More than
years of High Court Actions*.
More than
years of District Court Actions*.
More than
years of Actions filed in the Small Claims Tribunal*.
(*in Hongkong)
Financial Data on all publicly listed companies in Hongkong.
Financial analysis of companies the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hongkong Ltd.
More than 20 years of Actions in Lands Tribunal.
Full relational linkage between companies, individuals,
all Court and Tribunal Actions, and
Proceedings and Property Transactions.
COURT Proceedings
More than
years of Actions in Labour Tribunal and Magistrates’ Courts.
More than
years of Macau Court Proceedings.
More than
years of PRC Court Proceedings.
Other coverage include: Australia, Canada, England, India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Scotland, Singapore, U.S. Virgin Islands, and more.
Detailed published articles in the TARGET Financial Service and the TARGET Intelligence Report.
How TOLFIN Can Help?
On-Line Information System
Interface that allows Subscribers to perform searches on TARGET’s database. One-click could obtain valuable information at any time, anywhere!
Monitoring / Alert System
Responsive notifications on any seemingly interested individuals and/or organisations. The list is freely configurable!
Intergrated Data
Assembled with accurate information from TOLFIN’s well-established system. All that a Subscriber requires with regard to anyone or any company can be delivered in comprehensive details.
TOLFIN makes your wish come true.
Accountable and visible electronic information service that is widely respected.
It is a provider of information to institutions and individuals, internationally.