Some Little Thoughts

by Raymonde Sacklyn

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Upon  Death


And when I die upon this bed, no tears must flow;
Please, no sound be shed lest I cry that I did die
And left you alone:
My love; my only love
To whom I offer up this last lullaby.


Remember me for what I was, and how, oft, I held your hand in mine,
I tried to be the best I could, and, if my lips could reach you, now – they would.
And, if I failed in life, no matter how the struggle made,
Forgive me, dearest, for I loved with every breath I took,
With every waking second, with every fibre of my body, now forsook.


And to that cool repose, to which I soon will go, I pray forgiveness
For my leaving you, you who gave me years of bliss;
My only love, whom, pray God, I shall meet again
In another life, in a world where
Pain is unknown and medicine is that first, sweet, morning kiss.


I die this day upon this bed, and, when I am gone, do not dread
That my breath no longer comes and life is sapped from me.
My body’s cold, I know, and to the earth it seeks its final rest.
My eyes will close just one last time,
But your vision, I shall always see. 

Forgive me, forgive me, for leaving you: I had no hand in this event.
Know that I loved you at every waking hour; the wine of death is sour,
So sour that I cry that I did have to die.
I wish that I could stay with you, but I am called
And so, I bid you, one last time: Goodbye!





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