Some Little Thoughts

by Raymonde Sacklyn

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To  My  Friends


I do not think that I can count
The times that I have wronged, or been remiss;
Or can I know how much I owe
To those for whom I have received forgiveness. 

I know that I shall never meet my debts
To those who still endure me.
For this amount is more than I can count:
I am warmed there still resides mutual felicity. 

One tends to forget how much one owes
To those who love and give;
For man, innately, has the propensity
To forget how he should live. 

What should be said is oft left unsaid:
Too late to correct the fault;
For life has a way of cutting off
Those who forget that living is short.

My life, today, is changed, I know:
I must not forget what I should have said.
I must never forget to say those words,
Moral conduct commands me to go ahead. 

We forget or, alternatively, are too proud
To utter that word, which easily we can,
But if only I shall remember, from this day on,
Then, I think that I shall be a better man. 

‘Sorry’ is all that I need to say,
And, then, my sins may be washed away;
And, hopefully, my friends will understand
That I am repentant: Ever, forever, not just one day.



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