What is...
Historic Publishing House?

Historic Publishing House of Hongkong Ltd is the amalgamation of a number of Hongkong companies and other corporate entities that, over the past half a century, have been involved in amassing historical information, concerning certain events and the many acts of people, along with their successes and failures, that took place within the 416 square miles that constituted this former British Territory, prior to it, becoming an integral part of The People’s Republic of China.
The result of this amalgamation has made it possible for the Founder of the 泰達財經 Group of Hongkong to write a large number of stories and to write books, relating to the history of the territory, going back to 1961.
The first such corporate entity that, in 1961, started to compile historical facts about the British Crown Colony of Hongkong, as Hongkong was then, internationally, known, was Ying Lam English Institute Hongkong, a sole proprietorship that was based on the Second Floor of Cleveland Mansion, Causeway Bay, Hongkong Island.
When 泰達財經 Newspapers Ltd was incorporated in Hongkong, at the time in the history of these 416 square miles that the Governor was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II, a library was established, but, in those days, only hard-copy documents could be stored.
The library was, a few years later, relocated to Wah Tao Building, Wanchai, Hongkong Island, because, among other things, TARGET Newspapers Ltd required much more room in order to expand its businesses.
This library, now named, ‘The Morgue’, grew and grew and grew, taking up a great deal of space in the 6,000 square feet that housed what had, by the early 1970s, become the TARGET Group of Companies.
The Morgue enabled the TARGET Group to develop and to become the first Hongkong newspaper to publish information, targeting business events in Hongkong as well as the leaders of the major trading houses.
At about this time, computerisation was evolving at a very rapid pace, internationally, and before long, The Morgue was completely computerised, allowing Historic Publishing House of Hongkong Ltd to access historical information in a relatively short space of time.
In the Year 2000, once again, the TARGET Group was on the move, this time, it was relocated from Wanchai to the Central Business District of Hongkong.
And, today, it has been its home for the past 25 years.
Historic Publishing House of Hongkong Ltd, today, cooperates with a number of internationally known publishing houses.
It continues to amass more and more intelligence about these 416 square miles, now an integral part of the second-largest economy of the world.
From the British Crown Colony of Hongkong of yesteryear, today, it is known as the Hongkong Special Administrative Region; and, this ‘pimple’ at the bottom of The People’s Republic of China continues as the home of the TARGET Group of Hongkong, of which Historic Publishing House of Hongkong Ltd is part of this ever-expanding, publishing house.